Mexico City Hostel i Ciudad de México

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MexicoMexico City Hostel


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8, República de Brasil, 06000, Ciudad de México, MX Mexico
kontakter telefon: +52 55 5512 3666
internet side:
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Latitude: 19.4356082, Longitude: -99.1339108

kommentar 5

  • en

    David Spittler


    Love this place. Its important to know that this consists of two buildings opposite each other on Republica de Brasil. Most people stay on one side, in the dorms, and tale breakfast there. For a better communal space and an awesome large rooftop terrace, go across the street. You'll only sleep on this side if you have a private suite, but the communal areas are open to everyone. Wifi is spotty at best, unfortunately this is a major downside to many travelers. Laundry service is very prompt and efficient. Overall, I recommend Mexico City Hostel to my friends regularly.

  • en

    mohamed houala


    Great place for small budget. Clean quiet situated in the city center. Cold beers for 2$ at the reception. Just amazing.

  • David Ruiz

    David Ruiz


    A place really cool, the location is excellent, in the downtown near to the cathedral. The service was great and kind, the indoors are great with cold & hot water, the breakfast was good. It's a good place to stay.

  • Lord Atom

    Lord Atom


    Can't beat the location right next to the Cathedral and Main Square. Breakfast is alright with eggs, yogurt, fruit, bread and coffee. Facilities are pretty good with big storage lockers and plenty of bathrooms/showers. Atmosphere was a bit lacking though. I was in the new annex across the street which I've heard is a bit better.

  • en

    Rob Wells


    Best hostel in Mexico City. Clean, modern, and friendly staff. Front counter guy Emiliano is especially nice and helpful. Staff are fluent in English. I only wish that management would take measures to quiet the loud door banging that continues half the night.

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