Hampton Inn & Suites Mexico City - Centro Historico i Ciudad de México

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MexicoHampton Inn & Suites Mexico City - Centro Historico



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24, 5 de Febrero, 06060, Ciudad de México, MX Mexico
kontakter telefon: +52 55 8000 5000
internet side: hamptoninn3.hilton.com
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Latitude: 19.429973, Longitude: -99.134587

kommentar 5

  • Douglas Rigterink

    Douglas Rigterink


    The suites on the top floor are very spacious and good for a family. Wish they had a bar in the roof terrace. Bathroom fans can be very loud and interfere with sleep. Breakfast is good. The historic district gets old after a day or two.

  • en

    Tammy Shah


    Beautiful hotel in a beautiful location. Short walk to the Cathedral, Templo Mayor, Palace, and a few other beautiful historic buildings. Breakfast is good, fresh fruit, local and regular coffee, different items every day, breads, juice. Staff is wonderful and friendly. Rooms are perfectly clean. Comfy beds. I booked a suite, as I really wanted windows. Some rooms do not look out, but have interior windows. I could not give a 5 simply because it is so noisy all the time. Outside noises mostly, but also I think there is some remodel going on as during the day there is hammering, but overall it is an awesome hotel, in an awesome city!!

  • it

    Rita Lack


    Sinceramente non mi è piaciuto. L'aspetto è vecchiotto. Nella zona colazione, attigua alla reception, ci sono i bidoni per la differenziata. Tavoli non apparecchiati. Eravamo un gruppo di 8 persone, 4 camere. In ognuna di queste camere c'era una finestra con, al posto del vetro, uno specchio e nessuna maniglia per poterla aprire. È vicino al centro, ma credo che si possa trovare di meglio.

  • sychosydd



    The hotel is within walking distance of several popular tourist spots. The rooms are clean as well as the rest of the hotel. There is a seafood restaurant with bar at the entrance. Continental breakfast wasn't stellar bit more than good enough. Cereal, bagels, waffles, o.j. and other fruit juices are on offer. As are scrambled eggs. Pretty standard fare.

  • Leo Fusi

    Leo Fusi


    Hotel del gruppo Hilton, non delude le aspettative. Check in efficiente e veloce. Servizio attento. Camera confortevole con il letto ed i cuscini veramente comodi. Bagno spazioso e funzionale. Pulizia impeccabile. Buona anche la colazione, ma lo spazio li non è ampissimo. Tutto sommato un ottimo hotel e posizionato molto bene nel centro storico di Città del Messico.

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