Hostel Amigo Suites i Ciudad de México

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MexicoHostel Amigo Suites



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14, Luis González Obregón, 06300, Ciudad de México, MX Mexico
kontakter telefon: +52 55 5510 0925
internet side:
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Latitude: 19.4368363, Longitude: -99.1328458

kommentar 5

  • en

    jola surmanowicz


    It has a great location but rooms are so so and food not very good. It was fine for the price but nothing special.

  • en

    Sarah Khan


    though located centrally, this hostal is not the best (and i’ve stayed at a LOT of hostals!). i booked a private room with private bath and balcony and for that, though it was a room meant for 3 people rather than a single room. toiletries are not provided—not even hand soap—you have to buy them in a bundle from reception. towels are included. i told staff while booking that i would arrive at 4am but my single room (which was being occupied by a family because it wasn’t really a single room at all) wasn’t ready until just after noon. the room had no windows (just a balcony with doors) and so got extremely hot and stuffy at night (i was there in may). there are no fans and leaving the balcony doors open allows for a nice wind but also invited mosquitos. also, there were roaches in the room. they hid under the bedside tables/dresser when the lights are on and come out when they’re turned off. a sign at reception says they sell stamps so i asked to buy some and the clerk told me he had to go buy them from the post office. he told me to give him the money for them and the postcards i wanted sent and he would buy the postage and mail them. i agreed and trusted him. my post cards never arrived. they weren’t even sent for all i know. the money i paid for postage and the souvenirs i sent to specific friends to cheer them up never got to them. before i left this review, i contacted the hostal to see if they were just left behind reception and could still be mailed out, but i was told the clerk who took my money and postcards no longer worked there and the hostal staff had no idea where the postcards we’re. they did offer to resend the cards but that meant asking me to remember and tell them what cards i had bought, what i had written on them, and which card was for whom, etc. overall, would not recommend unless you’re looking just for a bed to sleep in while passing through mexico city. if you want to actually stay and enjoy your visit in mexico city, then find another place.

  • PunkRock Mike

    PunkRock Mike


    First hostel expierence and I loved it. It's in an excellent location, and the staff went above and beyond as far as how helpful they were. I really can't say enough good things about them. I will come stay again my next time visiting Mexico City.

  • en

    Keep Inspiration Alive


    My first time staying at a hostel. I can't say enough good things about them. The staff is very friendly and goes out of their way to ensure you enjoy your stay. Very good prices, which includes free breakfast and dinner. I will make plans to come back again soon. Keep up the good work. :)

  • Victoria Breitkreuz

    Victoria Breitkreuz


    Great staff, breakfast and supper included and pretty good ones too. The bar on the rooftop made for a more communal feel and was easy to get to know people. Shot out to Juan the bartender, he's fantastic. Hot showers to if you let them warm up a minute.

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