Gran Hotel Ciudad de México i Cuauhtemoc

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MexicoGran Hotel Ciudad de México



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16 de Septiembre 82, Centro Histórico, Centro, 06000 Cuauhtemoc, CDMX, Mexico
kontakter telefon: +52 55 1083 7700
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Latitude: 19.4320832, Longitude: -99.1345917

kommentar 5

  • Chassen Williams

    Chassen Williams


    Kind of inconspicuous from the street. But once you're inside it's beautiful. They have very nice doormen that speak both Spanish and English. Beautiful marble floors then these really nice bird cages as you walk in the building. When you look up at the ceiling you see the most amazing part. A Tiffany and co stained glass ceiling with really great color and quality. After checking in you get a quick tour and breakdown of the history of the hotel. You get complimentary champange then you get to ride the ood school elevator as the personal guide takes you to your room. The room we had, had an amazing view of the center square. Morning breakfast buffet was probably the only thing I could really criticize. Very limited options.

  • en

    x86 th3jesus


    Great hotel. Sort of in a bubble of Americans. thank God for Mexican family. Amazing venue, but ok experience. Free water!?

  • en

    Gio Anele


    Very nice and antique ambient which also gives an amazing view from it's terrace restaurant. During the day the glass tiled ceiling is beautiful.

  • Carlos Cli

    Carlos Cli


    A grand French Department Store from the XIX Century transformed into a beautiful town Hotel. The lobby is one of the most Beautiful in the city. It's Grand Dome and iron elevators are in great stare of preservation. The hotel is nice, not top of the line as it could be, but it's worth it. Restaurant on the terrace with excellent views. Definitely the best hotel to lodge if you're longing to stay at the heart of this magnificent city.

  • en

    Marlena Papavaritis


    Stayed at the beautiful and historic Gran Hotel this past January and would absolutely recommend this place. The staff was incredibly attentive and the rooms are elegant, and there's 24 hour security and concierge service. They also have a delicious breakfast buffet with diverse food options. Also, it is walking distance to many main attractions in Mexico City, which is a big plus. Would definitely stay here again!

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