City Express i Los Mochis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MexicoCity Express



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Blvd. Centenario No. 1135 Sector Centro, Col. Las Delicias, Terreno, 81277 Los Mochis, Sin., Mexico
kontakter telefon: +52 668 816 9800
internet side:
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Latitude: 25.7853997, Longitude: -109.0057361

kommentar 5

  • Patricia Diaz

    Patricia Diaz


    Needs some updating, pillows are too soft, on the other hand, delicious breakfast, clean and quiet environment.




    Hotel is at a good location, near Walmart, Starbucks, casinos, elevator very fast, clean rooms, cable, wifi, works good 👍👍 a/c.thanks for the breakfast but the same thing every day, 👎👎. Coffee area very dark at night,,I didn't like the fact that a young security went to check on me while preparing a drink, like checking on me,and the coffee area all dark at night when there are lights to turn on, please do not send dry clean I had lost my clothing (1) piece, i didn't get an apology,it could it be more like my wife dresses luckily we didn't send anymore.i had pay everything the night I arrived, then at the check out they say still owe one night still 🤦🏻‍♂️... thanks for accepting me a late check in the personal is very friendly and helpful, Recomended me a rental car place.... not enough water 💦 at showers 🚿 no pressure doesn't met the American visitors... is my believe... thanks for all the help... sincerely Héctor.

  • GinaG arielyginakk

    GinaG arielyginakk


    Loved it, the whole family was happy and satisfied with everything and all the staff. super clean rooms and hotel and the FREE breakfast was great.

  • Valdemar Lucatero

    Valdemar Lucatero


    Great location and price. Need more space for breakfast. Too small.. Clean

  • en

    joe harrigan jr


    Clean rooms and great breakfast that is included. The staff is very attentive.

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