Best Western Plus Los Mochis i Los Mochis

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MexicoBest Western Plus Los Mochis



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Av. Alvaro Obregon No. 691 Pte., America, 81200 Los Mochis, Sin., Mexico
kontakter telefon: +52 668 816 3000
internet side:
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Latitude: 25.7897093, Longitude: -108.9987372

kommentar 5

  • William Ferrier

    William Ferrier


    For being the only American named hotel it is very nice. Customer service is good. The area is not so good but they keep the hotel nice and clean. Park near by.

  • en

    Joseph Monhaut


    Very good location in the city and very nice inside.

  • Terri Moehle

    Terri Moehle


    Super wonderful stay. Our room looked out over the central park and Sacred Heart church. Couldn't have asked for anything better. Very hospitable, excellent breakfast, quite and clean.

  • en

    jesus carlos acosta


    The location is awesome, there's everything closet yo the hotel and the servicie is well related to the price, food is great and the park next todo the hotel is beautiful

  • Cesar G.

    Cesar G.


    Rooms are well kept and the AC keeps the room cool in a HOT place. The restaurant serves great food at a decent price. The hotel seems to suit business travelers well as I saw men and women from various countries working on their projects in the restaurant. The gym is kind of small but is clean. The hotel sits across a great plaza with gardens great for a relaxing stroll. I got a neck and back massage in the plaza for a few dollars;)

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