Zoológico de Chapultepec i Delegación Miguel Hidalgo

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MexicoZoológico de Chapultepec



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Calle Chivatito s/n 1ª sección del Bosque de Chapultepec, Col. San Miguel Chapultepec, Bosque de Chapultepec I Secc, 11850 Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, CDMX, Mexico
kontakter telefon: +52 55 5553 6263
internet side: data.sedema.cdmx.gob.mx
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Latitude: 19.4232085, Longitude: -99.1895256

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alfonso Armendariz


    The park was very clean, the animals was in good conditions and the zoo has variety of animals. It is a good place to walk and entertain the kids. And has a “mariposario” with monarca butterflies and arthropod animals.

  • Mars Sasha

    Mars Sasha


    Too crowded. The dpaces to observe the ananimals are small so people get stuck. I really regreat bringing my children since watching animals was really difficult

  • Bruk W

    Bruk W


    It's a good zoo within a big park, mostly antelopes, but you can see some zebras, monkeys, giraffes and a large hippo. They also have a big butterfly enclosure and keep wild cat cubs. Make sure to hold some 5 or 10 peso coins for toilets, which are well maintained, as the only place you can get change is the taqueria outside the zoo. Wheelchair accessible and they have toy car trollies to push toddlers around in if they get tired of walking. Good for a family day out including the park.

  • Izzy Huezo

    Izzy Huezo


    The zoo was a decent size. We saw plenty of animals. I enjoyed myself overall. They have vendors outside the zoo and places to eat too. Oh if you go bring your own toilet paper!!! A bunch of the stalls didn't have any. As well as be prepared to pay for a WC (bathroom).

  • Anika Poli

    Anika Poli


    This is an amazing zoo! We spent a day here and saw many amazing creatures. My favorite was the pandas. We even ended up coming back later in the week because my boyfriend wanted to see more (and I wanted to see the pandas again). It's free to get into the zoo but plan on bringing some pesos to use the bathrooms. Outside there are lots of vendors and food options.

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