Hotel Caribe i Yucatán

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MexicoHotel Caribe


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500, Calle 59, 97000, Yucatán, MX Mexico
kontakter telefon: +52 999 924 9022
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Latitude: 20.9682009, Longitude: -89.6222209

kommentar 5

  • en

    ifhue H


    This a very quaint hotel, excellent location, friendly staff, near all the local action, music dance and markets. His is one of the best Mexican hotels I have stayed at. The rooms are finished completely and nice renovated rooms. Staff is friendly and yay they're building an elevator, which should be completed by next year. My husband and I love this place! Also there is a restaurant located in hotel, which serves great food. ❤

  • Erki Põlme

    Erki Põlme


    Beautiful hotel with big rooms, air conditioner and ceiling fan. Good food.

  • en

    jim pearce


    The location...the lovely courtyard...the pool...I loved that we had "our own little zocalo" as an entrance, off the main street. The price was great. The rooms are adequate,no luxury there, but the beds are good, the shower worked, we filled our bottles with cold water (on the first floor up) and the a/c,while noisy, worked, which we were happy for, both day and nighttime. The staff were nice enough, mostly Spanish speaking. I recommend this place.

  • en

    Al Dunk


    Wonderful hotel in the best location. Price is reasonable but a touch higher than other comparable hotels in the area

  • en

    April McGregor


    A small but comfortable room. Hotel is in a great location and provides free parking. Wifi is excellent at times but then seems to disappear. Had hot water last night but only tepid this morning. The room was in a far corner and we had to walk past cleaning and gardening supplies. For 1200 pesos I think they should do better. After expressing my concerns the staff was eager to set it right. We received a complimentary breakfast and a new room! They did do better!

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