Hotel NH Mexico City Centro Histórico i Ciudad de México

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MexicoHotel NH Mexico City Centro Histórico



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42, Calle de la Palma, 06000, Ciudad de México, MX Mexico
kontakter telefon: +52 55 5130 1850
internet side:
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Latitude: 19.4316337, Longitude: -99.1353102

kommentar 5

  • Paola Marchegiani

    Paola Marchegiani


    I stayed at the NH Hotel in Mexico City back in 2015. The hotel's location could not be better: just a couple of blocks away from El Zócalo Square. That's the reason I chose this hotel in the first place. The hotel facilities and services are good. The breakfast was simply regal with lots of options to choose from. There were a couple of things, though, that I didn't like. First, the fridge in the room was locked with a padlock and you needed to tell staff at reception that you wanted to use it and provide a credit card. Second, there were bikes available for guests but, again, you had to give your credit card details to get one. I thought this was very peculiar, especially since we were guests. What did they suppose we were going to do with the bikes? Steal them?

  • en

    antonino damanti


    Great location 5 minutes from Zocalo with its Metropolitan Cathedral, Palacio National and Templo Major. Also walking distance to the other main attractions in the Historical Centre (like Latino American Tower, Palacio de le Belles Artes). Very friendly and helpful staff. Great breakfast served at the 5th floor. Very clean room. One minor negative point: bathroom pretty small

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    Kim L


    My wife and I stayed at the hotel in April 2018. Hotel is conveniently located with shops and eateries around. Very clean and quiet rooms. Food ordered from room service was fast, delicious and reasonably priced. However, the illumination in the room was poor. The A/C thermostat gave out incorrect reading and apparently the room temperature was actually controlled by the management. Last, we were surprised to find no cup in the bathroom for mouthwash.

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    Kerry Reston


    we arrived here last night. the location is very easy to find and we were very pleased at the outside of the building. the modern look is always fantastic. the hotel staff was very friendly to us and offered to take our bags to the rooms. we were given fantastic rom and the sheets were very clean. i recommend this hotel for tourists and foreigners to stay when in mexico city.

  • Adam H

    Adam H


    Nice hotel with a great breakfast. Hotel staff very helpful. Great location just 2 blocks from the main cathedral plaza and pedestrian only shopping streetThey have 4 bicycles free to use with a deposit that is refunded when returned. Only bike on Sunday when they close many streets off just for cycling.

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