Hotel Casa Grande Chihuahua i Chihuahua

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MexicoHotel Casa Grande Chihuahua


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Av. Tecnológico #4702, Las Granjas, 31160 Chihuahua, Chih., Mexico
kontakter telefon: +52 614 439 4444
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Latitude: 28.6688417, Longitude: -106.0929637

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sebastian Baray Lerechipia


    This seems to be one of the best hotels here in chihuaha city, I have been there twice in the last two years but they have not done any change at all.

  • en

    Hector Cortez


    I like my stay at the hotel I feel very comfortable at these place, second time being here hope to come back soon

  • en

    Oralia Ahmad


    Great service! Delicious breakfast buffet at a reasonable price. Electrical out not in a practical area and electricity was a little shotty. But overall a good place.

  • en

    Alan Rivera


    The hotel it's very pretty and your location it's very good, the food exquisite and the excelent service be of the Hotel Casa Grande Chihuahua a awesome place

  • Edgar Meza

    Edgar Meza


    I always appreciate when a hotel has a gym (a good enough one to get a quick workout in). This hotel needs at least a nice set of Dumbbells with mid range weight for sure. Everything else was good.

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